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Updated on 2016-02-02 13:25:09
Other Current Activities
Munduslingua updated its mundustatus:
- Munduslingua - Travel: Embark on a journey to a place where sugar is produced since centuries: Visit link
Updated on 2016-02-02 13:23:32
Munduslingua updated its mundustatus:
- Munduslingua - Culture: Mexico celebrates in September the “Grito de Dolores” (Cry of Dolores). The “grito” was an announcement made in 1810 by a Catholic priest, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, which is considered to be the starting point of the Mexican War of Independence. Nowadays, the event is commemorated each year on the evening of September 15 with a speech by the President of Mexico where he praises the leaders of Mexico’s independence and ends his words with the emblematic cry “¡Viva México!” (Long live Mexico). Visit link
Updated on 2015-09-15 10:00:16
Munduslingua updated its mundustatus:
- Munduslingua - Culture: The Ch’utillos Festival is a tradition that dates back to colonial times when Bolivia was a Spanish colony. During the final days of August, thousands of people gather in the streets of the colonial city of Potosí. It is a time when one can watch people in beautiful traditional costumes dance to folk music, enjoy the taste of local dishes, admire silver handicrafts and simply immerse oneself in the region’s rich culture and history. The word “Ch’utillos” makes reference to all people who actively participate during the festival such as costumed dancers, musicians and others. Visit link
Updated on 2015-08-27 14:58:47
Munduslingua updated its mundustatus:
- Munduslingua - History: On 20 August 1897 Sir Ronald Ross discovered that female mosquitoes transmit malaria between humans. #WorldMosquitoDay Visit link
Updated on 2015-08-19 15:48:15
Munduslingua updated its mundustatus:
- Munduslingua - Culture: The Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness (Russian: День семьи, любви и верности), officially introduced in 2008 in Russia, was inspired by a medieval tale, that of Saint Peter and Saint Fevronia, the Orthodox patrons of marriage. And so, every year, on July 8, Russia celebrates a day dedicated to romantic love where couples offer flowers to each other. The day is only comparable to Saint Valentine’s Day which, although some Russians celebrate as well, since the introduction of the Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness, has lost popularity and is slowly replaced by the July 8th celebrations. Visit link
Updated on 2015-07-08 12:47:21
Munduslingua updated its mundustatus:
- Munduslingua - Events: Happy Independence Day to all our friends in the Democratic Republic of Congo (the Democratic Republic of Congo had its independence from Belgium on 30 June 1960). Visit link
Updated on 2015-06-30 13:37:16
Munduslingua updated its mundustatus:
- Munduslingua - Culture: Kataklysmos Festival is about to begin in Cyprus. The festival, a colorful combination of religious and pagan traditions, is a perfect opportunity to enjoy the island’s diverse culture. Visit link
Learn more about Kataklysmos Festival: Visit link
Updated on 2015-05-20 14:48:20
Munduslingua updated its mundustatus:
- Munduslingua - Mundusbooks: Spanish author José Enrique Serrano Expósito has just released his novel ‘Gran Caverna’ in its English version (Deep Cavern) thanks to Mundusbooks’ program that helps authors worldwide to translate their works for free. Deep Cavern, a brilliant science fiction novel that combines fantastic creatures, high-tech inventions, love and adventure, is available now on Amazon. Visit link
Discover more about Deep Cavern: Visit link
Updated on 2015-02-13 15:12:24
Munduslingua updated its mundustatus:
- Munduslingua - Culture: National Sorry Day (May 26) searches to create awareness among politicians, law makers and the general public in Australia of the past policies that had a regretful consequence on aboriginal children, their families and communities. Visit link
Updated on 2014-05-26 15:43:26