Payment Policy
The payment policy has been prepared in order to explain you how to pay and benefit from translation services using the Munduslingua platform (login is required for this). You will also find important information you should consider before offering your services as a translator, as well as a thorough explanation on how Munduslingua provides you with a secure and reliable environment to deliver and order translations.
General information on translation services & payment procedure
- Everyone who opens an account on Munduslingua has the possibility to offer his/her services as a translator and/or browse for translators worldwide.
- You will notice that you can indicate which languages you speak in the “Profile” menu, which is found in the upper right corner on your profile. Currently you can only choose up to 3 languages but you can modify these anytime. The reason why we encourage you to indicate your spoken languages is so that if you decide to activate the option “I agree to offer my services as a translator” which is found under “Profile,” other users around the globe can find you whenever they are looking for translators that are proficient in your language(s). This option is unselected by default. Please select it if you wish to work as a translator for otherwise you will remain invisible to users who look for translators. You may also uncheck this option at a later time if you desire to stop working as a translator.
- Please understand that you do not need to have experience as a translator in order to provide translation services. However, every user who decides to work as a translator is required to provide information about the experience or no experience as a translator in his/her profile. Although experienced translators will indeed be more adequate for translations requiring, e.g. technical terms, let this not discourage you. Most users around the globe require uncomplicated translations with no particular complex language. People are often more interested in the adequate use of modern language in context rather than in translations rich in elaborate, technical terms.
- We are committed to provide you with a safe environment to pay and order translations. Currently we offer you only (1) external payment system, i.e. Paypal, that you can use to pay and be paid depending on your country of residence. As an external payment system, PayPal is not part of Munduslingua. It specializes in offering online users a secure payment platform. For this reason we have selected PayPal to ensure total security and confidentiality in your payments. We encourage you to learn more about PayPal on its website .
- PayPal: PayPal is an online payment system that enables you to send and receive money from the comfort of your own home. The system is offered to people in most countries and provides its users easy and straightforward ways to pay online. We encourage you, however, to first check if your country is part of the ever increasing PayPal network. Currently the network counts with more than 190 countries and regions.
- Munduslingua offers users who order translations a refund of their money in case the translator, for any reason, does not perform the translation or submits it incomplete. Translators are given by default a 90-day period after the day the request for a translation is done and Munduslingua receives the money for the translation. If you as a translator do not submit the translation before this 90-day period is over, the money will automatically be refunded to the user. In such cases, and if you submit the translation at a later time while the user still awaiting it from you, we will request the user to resend the payment. If you need more than 90 days to perform a translation, please contact us so that we can be aware of this prior to any request for a translation. This way we can avoid the money being unnecessarily returned to the user once the 90-day period is over.
Important information for users wishing to use PayPal
You should understand that this online payment service is unfortunately not available for every country. For some countries PayPal is available for both sending and receiving money. For other countries, however, PayPal is only available for sending money (make online payments). Another series of countries are neither eligible for payments nor receiving money. You should consider this before you think of promoting yourself as a translator or ordering translations on Munduslingua. Furthermore some countries require users to withdraw their money only to a U.S. bank account. Please click on the link below to check the availability of your country or region and the methods by which you can withdraw funds from your PayPal account.
Click to view the list of Paypal's approved signup countries
- All users who order translations must first create a PayPal personal or business account in order to initiate a payment process. Failing to do so will result in an error message while initiating the payment. We remind you that opening a PayPal personal or business account is for free and there are no monthly fees. The reason why users are required to have a PayPal account is because Munduslingua uses so-called chained payments, an advanced form of payment from PayPal that requires the sender to already be registered on PayPal. Chained payments offer the advantage of letting you control when the translator gets paid for his services, allowing the translator to be paid only after you confirm receipt of the translation. This system not only allows you to verify the completeness of all ordered translations prior to payment to the translator, but also assures you that your money will be refunded in case the translator fails to deliver it after all. When initiating a payment on Munduslingua for the first time, you will be redirected to PayPal’s website in order to pre-approve the payment. A preapproval sets an agreement between you and Munduslingua for making payments in the future without having to be redirected to PayPal each time. The preapproval is always set for a period of 90 days starting on the date the request for a preapproval is done. Once these 90 days are over, the preapproval agreement automatically ends. During the 90-day period a preapproval is valid you can order translations easily without having to be redirected to PayPal each time. However, if you require another translation after this 90-day period is over, you will be redirected to PayPal once again to set a new preapproval. Munduslingua uses this 90-day preapproval period in accordance to the maximum number of days PayPal can delay payment to the translator before the money automatically returns to you (the sender).
- As a translator you will need to create a PayPal personal or business account before offering your services as a translator. This is once again required due to chained payments. Chained payments allow you to automatically receive payment once you have completed a translation as well as help us keep track of and refund the money in case you do not perform the translation after all. It is a way to keep both you as the translator and the user who orders the translation, confident that the money will neither be lost nor stolen.
- E-mail addresses (important for both users and translators): Munduslingua will use the e-mail address you have entered to register on Munduslingua as the e-mail address you use for your PayPal account. In case you have opened your account on Munduslingua using an e-mail address different from that you use for PayPal, please add your Munduslingua e-mail address to your PayPal account. Failing to do so will result in an error when initiating payments since PayPal will not recognize your Munduslingua e-mail address as a PayPal registered address. If you are not sure which e-mail address you have used for Munduslingua, remember that this information is shown below your profile picture. To add an e-mail address to your PayPal account, access your PayPal account. Once there, click on “Profile” followed by “Add/Edit E-mail.” A new window (Email) will be opened. Find a button that reads “Add,” click on it and type in the new window (Add Email Address) the e-mail address you use for Munduslingua. Click on “Save” to finish the process. PayPal will now recognize your Munduslingua e-mail address as a PayPal registered address.
You should understand that this online payment service is unfortunately not available for every country. For some countries PayPal is available for both sending and receiving money. For other countries, however, PayPal is only available for sending money (make online payments). Another series of countries are neither eligible for payments nor receiving money. You should consider this before you think of promoting yourself as a translator or ordering translations on Munduslingua. Furthermore some countries require users to withdraw their money only to a U.S. bank account. Please click on the link below to check the availability of your country or region and the methods by which you can withdraw funds from your PayPal account.
General step-by-step payment process for ordering translations using the Munduslingua platform
The following points describe in detail a typical process for ordering translations on Munduslingua:
- Upload the document(s) you wish to have translated into your Hall of Works. This is done by going to the “Hall of Works” tab on your profile and then clicking on “Upload Work.”
- As a Munduslingua user you will be able to browse our database of translators. Check the different translators’ profiles and ratings to help you decide who is the most adequate for the translation you require.
- Once you find in our database a translator of your choice, contact him/her and bargain over the price of the translation while also setting a date for its submission. You can contact the translator by e-mail or by using the message service included in your Munduslingua account. For this, don’t forget to first add the translator to your Munduswits list (contact list). This will enable you to find him/her in your recipient list. You can use Munduslingua’s message service by first clicking on the “Messages” tab and then going to “Compose message.” Once the translator is part of your Munduswits, he/she will appear inside the “To:” field under “Compose message.”
Ask the translator to access your personal profile and then click on the “Works” tab. The translator will find here all the documents you have previously uploaded and that you wish to have translated.
As the translator, select the document to translate and type the price in US dollars for its translation inside the “Quote:” field that will appear below. This price should be the same as that you have previously agreed on with the user who orders the translation. You will also notice a text field where you should write down the date you commit yourself to submit the translation. Please note that if you fail to submit the translation on the date you enter, the user who requests your services may leave you a negative feedback. If you wish to, add any other comments in the same text field. Finally, click on “Propose translation.” A request will be sent to the user for him/her to verify the price of the translation and initiate the payment process. -
This request will now appear to the user in the “Incoming requests” tab under “Hall of Works.” Please always check that the price in the request corresponds to that you have previously agreed on with the translator. Three situations can now take place:
- If you click on “Reject” the request will be denied and nothing will happen. If you happen to do this by mistake you will have to ask the translator to send you a new request.
- If you do not agree with the price you can click on “Negotiate” in order to send back to the translator a request with the new price. The first time you click on “Negotiate,” a new “Quote:” and text fields will appear in the space below. Fill in these fields and click again on “Negotiate” in order to send back the request to the translator. It will be then to the translator to either accept or reject the new request by accessing his/her Hall of Works and clicking on “Outgoing requests”.
If you click on “Accept,” a new translation process will be started and you can proceed to payment by clicking on the “Pay now” button that will appear in the right column under “Pending for payment.” If you wish to, you may also initiate the payment at a later time. In such cases simply use the “Pay now” button whenever you are ready for payment.
- If you are paying for the first time on Munduslingua or your last preapproval has already passed the 90-day period, you will be redirected to PayPal in order to approve the (new) payment. Log in to your PayPal account. Notice the start and end dates of the preapproval under “Details.” Now choose a “Payment method.” Payments can be done using you PayPal account balance, your bank account or a credit/debit card. Notice also that you can set a “Primary Funding Source” and even a “Secondary Funding Source.” This is especially interesting if you wish to predetermine your payment methods for future payments. Moreover payments will be done in US dollars. This means that your bank may charge you a conversion rate if you live in a country where the dollar is not the local currency. Follow the preapproval flow on PayPal’s website and finally click on “Approve” in order to complete the preapproval. If you need extra assistance do not hesitate to either contact us or PayPal. Currently you can only contact our staff by e-mail using the contact form provided in the “About Us” link.
- Once you have completed the preapproval you will automatically return to Munduslingua’s website. A message will indicate you if the preapproval was successful or not. If the preapproval was not successful please try again at a later time for it may be that an error occurred during the process. If this happens do not worry for you will not be creating a preapproval twice. An e-mail from PayPal will also indicate you when the preapproval has been successfully completed. Once you return to Munduslingua, a screen message will appear that reads: “The preapproval has been agreed to on Paypal. Thank you! You can now proceed to pay for the translation.” You may now complete the payment process by either clicking on “proceed to pay for the translation” or using the “Pay now” button that will still appear under “Pending for payment” (right column on your profile). Once you complete the payment, a message will appear that reads: “Thank you! Your payment has been sent!” This confirms you that we have received your payment. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail from PayPal stating that the payment was successfully completed.
- We will immediately inform the translator once we process the payment so that he/she can begin the translation. This will be done by e-mail and through Munduslingua’s message service.
- Once the translator finishes the translation, he/she must upload it for submission. For this, access your Hall of Works and click on the “Translations” tab. Find then the name of the translation you have just completed, click on it and you will see all the information that relates to the translation as well as a field at the end for uploading a .pdf or .doc[x] file. Notice also a button that reads “Submit.” Upload the translation by using the field provided and click on “Submit.” Notice immediately that the translation will now appear as having been delivered. This can be verified by checking that the translation appears under “Delivered” in the right column on your profile.
- Once the translation has been submitted it will immediately be available for download. The translation will arrive in the user’s inbox (“Messages” tab) in an automated message sent by Munduslingua. Open this message and download the file by clicking on the link that comes with the message. Verify that the file is truly a thorough translation of your required document. Moreover, now that the translation has been submitted, a new button will appear under “Requested” in the right column on your profile. This button will read “confirm” and by clicking on it you confirm receipt of the translation and enable us to send payment to the translator. Remember that we always keep your money safe until you confirm receipt of the translation; only then will the translator be paid for his services. Finally click on the “Confirm” button that appears in the right column on your profile and allow the translator to be paid for his services.
- Translation feedback. As a final step you can also rate the translator on four main points as well as submit any other comments you wish to add. For this, notice that a button that reads “Rate it” will now appear under “Pending for feedback” (right column on your profile). Click on this button and a pop-up window will appear. Rate the translator by assigning to him stars from one (1) to five (5) for each of the questions. One star means “very poor” and five means “excellent.” You will also notice a text field. Here you can write down any other comments you like. These comments are meant to be short so that when a translator has many comments, any user can easily go through all of these in a quick manner. Remember that all the comments plus the overall rating of a translator will be available to all who are looking for translators so that they can make their best choice. Finally click on “Leave feedback” to complete rating the translator.
- Fees may apply when you use a credit or debit card. This amount is determined by your financial institution and is independent of both PayPal and Munduslingua. We recommend you to get informed on possible fees imposed by your bank prior to initiating any payment process on Munduslingua.
As the translator you will be charged by PayPal specific fees. Understand that these fees may be increased or reduced by PayPal at any time. The fees include:
(1) A 3.9% fee calculated from the total plus a fixed $0.30 USD fee (transaction fee).
(1) A 3.9% fee calculated from the total plus a fixed $0.30 USD fee (transaction fee).
Munduslingua will charge a (2) 5% commission taken from the total price for every translation. This commission will be deducted from what the translator receives for his/her services.
The following example will explain how much you would actually receive as a translator once both the PayPal fees and the Munduslingua commission have applied. Understand however that this is only given as an example and that it does not provide an exact calculation for fees can either be reduced or increased by PayPal and/or Munduslingua anytime.
Imagine you negotiate a translation for $100 USD. The fees would amount in that case as follows:
- (1) $100 USD * [3.9/100] + $0.30 USD = $4.20 USD
(2) $100 USD * [5/100] -------------------- = $5.00 USD
Total: ------------------------------------------- = $9.20 USD
Therefore you would end up being paid:
$100 USD – $9.20 USD = $90.80 USD
- In case you, as the user who orders a translation, request your money to be returned, we are bound to do this within 60 days of receiving the payment. Please inform us beforehand by contacting us through the “About us” link and writing down the reasons for your request. We may contact the translator with whom you had an agreement before refunding your money. The money will be then credited back to your PayPal account minus a thirty cent ($0.30 USD) processing fee imposed by PayPal. We encourage you once more to check if your country of residence allows you to withdraw money from PayPal to begin with, and if yes, which withdrawal methods are available to you.
Dated: March 13, 2017