Personal information
Nena Arena
Deerfiel Beach FL, United States
No website provided
Realtor Real Estate Agent
- Native: Spanish-ES
- Second: English-US
No overview information provided
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Recent Activity
Nena Arena and Raúl Hurtado are now munduswits.
Became munduswits on 2013-01-06 16:28:48
Raúl Hurtado: "Hola Nena :)"
Written on 2013-01-06 17:17:24
Nena Arena updated the mundustatus: How can I invite people h ere to this social network?
Updated on 2013-01-06 11:21:42
Miko the Kitty: "Para invitar tus amigos a Munduslingua basta con hacer clic en el banner que dice "Spread the word". Notarás que se abrirá una ventana donde puedes escribir los correos electrónicos de tus amigos a invitar. Cuando termines haz clic en el botón que dice "Invite friends". Una vez hagas esto un correo se inviará automáticamente a tus amigos."
Written on 2013-01-06 12:13:16
Nena Arena and Miko the Kitty are now munduswits.
Became munduswits on 2013-01-06 11:01:00
Miko the Kitty: "Welcome Nena to Munduslingua, the Cultural Network. My name is Miko and I am here to support you in case you have questions or comments on how to use the various applications within Munduslingua."
Written on 2013-01-06 12:07:35
Nena Arena updated the mundustatus: How can I invite people h ere to this social network?
Updated on 2013-01-06 11:21:34
Cali, Colombia
Nena Arena currently is part of no group.